transition-design with Markel Cormenzana and Mercè Rua
22-25. november 2022

how as designers can we relate to communities and things in the world?
small interventions embedded in broad feedbackloops can have a lot of impact @acupuncture/ deciding where to put your needles

its about big ideas that built momentum
do not need to invent anything new!
the word design is already restricting. communities have practices since always that are ways to deal with ever changing situational context. nowadays people try to design patters and thing rather than focussing on living within

industrial world system was a design - here we are.

role of designer: mainstreaming things, not inventing but taking patterns of coping with things and making the available, translating them -

do we loose acknowledgement?

designers can amplify grass-root initiatives

partnering with margins who already do whats needed
it is a matter of unlearning thing and listening again!
@ stuart candy
futurist everything that exists now,
once it has not
dominant ideas on change
There are some generalized perspectives, narratives or mental frameworks about how change happens.

Technological disruption
Creative destruction
Move fast, break things
Debt based growth
Strategic management
Simplification bias
Measure, control, change
Metrics, goals
Exponential tech
Future of jobs
design discipline changed a lot from one architectural planner who knows about, to everything/ every action is design

the role of design changes under influence of michael foucault, bruno latour and donna haraway, enzio manzini

@ exhibition "the critical zone" @bruno latour
exhibition ZKM
the critical zone
provide the infrastructure, process and support necessary to perform a task but staying out of it (it is very easy to create a infrastructure that directs the outcome)

our role as facilitators is to host, to design a space/ a session that helps to host and emerge where everybody and everybody's thought feel included
- supporting emergence

we are co-facilitating each other

biggest challenge in facilitation? emergent nature of every situational context with all its agents will be different and is open to the unknown, the unexpected

facilitating not only human but resources! what is the time you have? the energies? 

key is preparation, have a good introduction, a beginning, then framing the session and have a reflective closure. Important is also the follow up. What happens after?
PDF of the critical zone field book
Transition Design is a transdisciplinary approach aimed at addressing the many ‘wicked’ problems confronting 21st century societies: climate change, forced migration, political and social polarization, global pandemics, lack of access to affordable housing/healthcare/education and many others. These problems are interconnected, interdependent and always manifest in place and culture-specific ways.

Transition Design argues that new knowledge and skill-sets are required to address these problems, and that their resolution is a strategy for igniting positive, systems-level change and societal transitions toward more sustainable, equitable and desirable long-term futures.
Once the problem has been mapped out, we have begun to see that the problem involves different human actors and non-human actors in the with different needs, conflicts and agendas.
Each actor acts according to its own psycho-socio-cultural and biological framework. To operate from a multi-stakeholder logic it is essential to understand and empathise with disparate positions.
another mapping technique
delving into the motivations, tensions and mental frameworks from which the different actors operate.
How do we understand our role as designers?

What’s our role in the face of the global

challenges we are facing?

What’s our agency? What lays outside?

Which are your views about designs’ ethos and ethics?

New frontiers?
three theories of system change
at HOLON they use this theory of change in order to start intervening in systems
Intervening in systems in order to facilitate change/ transition:

“A development intervention is better seen as a mechanism that gradually resolves/explores uncertainties about system dynamics through learning and adaptation and ongoing sense-making, rather than a series of “fixes” to a well identified set of problems”

furthermore, the idea is to backcast rather than forecast. We start with envisioning a desired future and then make all the steps backwards thats needed to arrive at where we are now.
OTHER IDEAS ON CHANGE - new, emerging ones

Prototyping cultures
Innovation ecosystems
Hacker ethics / open
Labs / Arenas
"facilitation means to make something easy, to render less difficult, from stem of Latin facilis "easy to do," from facere "to do".
to be the facilitator of a transition means to provide the infrastructure, process and support necessary to perform a task, but staying out of it. it means to listen and sensitively direct, manage, introduce and control a space of ideation.
as facilitator we design a space in which (ideally) every actant and their thoughts feel included, a space that supports emergence.